How to make good dog photos
Frankly all I need to do is provide you with the link to my article about cat photography, most of the things are also valid for dogs (that’s why this article is really short). In my experience dogs are a little more active though and they like to run, so a fast autofocus on your camera helps a lot. When you come near a dog they also react differently than cats, in an ideal world they are happy and dance around you :).
My camera equipment didn’t change much compared to the time when I wrote the article about cat photography. I am still using the Olympus OM-D E-M1 and the PEN E-P5 cameras. The dog photos I will show are made with the prime lenses M.Zuiko 17mm F1.8, M.Zuiko 25mm F1.8, M.Zuiko 45mm F1.8 and M.Zuiko 75mm F1.8.
So let’s get straight to the photos – the following pictures were made while on vacation, some of them also in Frankfurt / Wilhelmshaven (were I live / used to live).
Sicily- some photo bombing 🙂
This was a glimpse on my dog portfolio – many more photos will come for sure, there is still a lot to do to get a dog portfolio that is comparable to my cat portfolio :).