Photography style
It’s quite interesting to see how my style has changed when I look back at the pictures I took just two years ago. Back then I experimented a lot and made lots of wide angle and fisheye pictures, HDR was also a big part of my workflow. I nearly never took street photos of people, I was neither brave enough nor interested in that kind of photography – times change. Nowadays I would make different pictures for sure but I still like some of the pictures I took in Sevilla. You should stand by the things you did in the past so why not show some of the earlier experiments ;). In this article you will only see architecture and no street life, sorry for that. The pictures from Madrid and Toledo will look different and be more versatile for sure.
I was very much into wide angle photography back then, most of the pictures were made using a Sony NEX camera (in this case the Sony NEX 5R) and the SEL1018 ultra wide angle lens. I used the SEL1018 a lot, it’s light, sharp and has a built-in stabilizer – I would buy it again at any time if I wouldn’t have started to use Olympus cameras exclusively. In addition I had the Samyang 8mm Fisheye lens in my bag and the Sony RX100 M2 for everything that was not wide angle. The portrait lens SEL50F18 was also part of my equipment but I didn’t use it very often because I wasn’t a big fan of isolating subjects from the background – again, that changed.
Metropol Parasol
I came by the Metropol Parasol by accident because our hotel was located right around the corner. I was immedately fascinated by the architecture and of course I had to use the fisheye lens extensively :). These are some impressions:
the Cathedral of Seville is one of the main attractions and you can make impressive pictures using wide angles lenses at that place. Today I think some of my pictures of the place are rather odd but I will show them anyway :).
Alcazar Palace
the Alcazar Palace is located right next to the cathedral, if you take your time and visit both places you are occupied for a day. Nevertheless, I recommend to visit the places on different days because there are so many impressions and you don’t want to have the biggest highlights on day one leaving you with nothing for the next days ;). Just kidding, there is a lot to see in Seville but it can be overwhelming if try to pack to much into one day. There is a great view from the top of the Alcazar, even though I think my HDR processing was a little over the top…
Plaza de Espana
The famous Plaza de Espana is beautiful and located next to a park. It’s highly recommended to visit this place and take your time in the park as well.
Other pictures
These are some final pictures from other places in the city. I’m not really proud of the pictures I took but everybody needs to start and experiment and not everything works and is something you like when looking back. But that’s what it’s all about: Experiment and have fun! And don’t be ashamed of the pictures you took in the past :).